Share the Journey in Mental Health Month
October is Mental Health Month in New South Wales, Victoria, and the ACT. Mental Health Month is an opportunity to raise awareness around mental health & wellbeing
The important message of Mental Health Month is that we should all ‘share the journey’: connecting with others helps to promote our wellbeing.
Sharing the Journey means:
– telling your friends and family when things are a bit tough
– finding others who have been through something similar
– connecting with your community
– finding a health professional you trust – connecting on social media
– giving your pet a cuddle
– organisations working together for the best possible wellbeing of everyone
– sharing your stories with others
– creating a sense of connectedness within your family, your community, your neighbourhood
– reaching out to someone who might need your support
The Junction Neighbourhood Centre offers a variety of activities, in October and throughout the year, that enable you share the journey with others – craft, exercise, gardening, playgroups, and more
Here are some of them.
Share the journey of maintaining your independence: Social Group Shopping at Eastgardens on Monday mornings. Provided: transport, volunteer support, social time with a group over coffee. You need a myagedcare number. Phone Emily or Janniene at TheJNC on 9349 8200.
Share the journey of preparing your child to start school: Transition to School Playgroup in Chifley on Mondays. Parents also attend. At Lifestart at Chifley Public School, 10am-11.30am. Free. Book on 9349 8200 or email
Share the journey of getting outdoors: Join the Junction Walkers, a free weekly group in Maroubra under the auspices of the Heart Foundation. Tuesdays. Meet 9.30am at Shop 2, 669-673 Anzac Parade, Maroubra. Book on 9349 8200
Share the journey of keeping your mind active: Come and play board games in our Board Games Group and meet new people. Free. Shop 2, 669-673 Anzac Parade, Maroubra, on Thursdays from 1.30-3.30pm. Book on 9349 8200 or
Share the journey of parenting: Playgroup for families with children aged 0-3. Little Leaps at La Perouse Public School, Fridays, 10am-11.30am. Free. To book & for details, phone (02) 9349 8200 or email
Many more activities. See our monthly calendar, and our Facebook page on @TheJNC