Emergency Telephone Support
Organisation |
Type of Assistance |
Hours |
Centrelink 136 240 · Employment services PH: 132 850 · Family Assistance Line PH: 136 150 · Youth Allowance Line: PH: 132 490 · Disabilities, Sickness and Carers Line PH: 132 717 |
Information about payments and services. |
M-F: 8am-5pm |
Service NSW Ph: 13 77 88 |
Access to government services via online, phone, or in-person at its service centres |
M-F 7am-7pm PH: 9am-5pm |
CAMHS Ph: (02) 8198 7300 NSW Mental Health Line: 1800 011 511 (24 hours) |
Mental health support for children and adolescents (under 18years) |
M-F 8:30 to 5pm |
Child Protection Helpline Ph: 132 111 |
Report a child at risk, harm and neglect |
24/7 |
Parentline Ph: 1300 130 052 |
Free counselling service- information and support services for Children 0-18 Help navigate difficult parenting dilemmas |
M-F: 9am-9pm Sat,Sun: 4pm-9pm |
Beyond Blue1300 22 46 36 |
Providing supports, resources, and services to people Supporting the mental health of others |
24/7 |
Flourish- Maroubra Ph: 9393 9602 General enquiries: 1300 779 270 NDIS enquiries: 1300 356 874 |
Mental Health Service – daily support Employment services |
Shop 301 116-132 Maroubra Rd M-F: 9am-5pm |
Domestic Violence Line Ph: 1800 737 732 |
Support and counselling on family and domestic violence, sexual assault. |
24/7 |
National Indigenous Critical Response Service (NICRS) Free call: 1800 805 801 Mob: 0499 333 132 StandBy Mob: 0418 575 680 |
Provides support to individuals, families, communities impacted by suicide loss |
24/7 |
Immigration advice & rights centre Ph: 8234 0700 DV Priority Line: (02) 8234 0700 |
Immigration and Domestic Violence advice. Visas and citizenship |
M: 9am-5:30pm T-F: 9am-5pm |
Inner City Legal Centre PH: (02) 9332 1966 SMS-only number: 0476 857 342 Toll Free 1800 244 481 |
Free legal advice to people on low income who live- Inner city, Sydney, Waverley and Woollahra LGA. |
M-F: 10am-12pm & 2pm-4pm |
Eheadspace Ph: 1800 650 890 |
Online telephone support and counselling for 12-25years. Also, can chat online or send an email. Not an emergency service |
7 Days: 9am-1am |
Headspace Camperdown Ph: (02) 9114 4100 |
Free and confidential service catered to 12-25 years. Mental Health Service. |
M-F:8.30am-5.30pm |
Headspace Bondi Junction Ph: (02) 9366 8800 |
Free and confidential service catered to 12-25 years. Mental Health Service. |
M-F: 9am-6pm |
Kids Helpline Ph: 1800 551 800 |
Online counselling and various resources for children and young adults aged 5-25 |
24/7 |
NSW Court PH: 1300 679 272 |
For Court related questions. |
M-F 8:30am-4:30pm |
Law Access NSW Ph: 1300 888 529 |
Free assistance with legal information and referral |
M-F: 9am-5pm |
Lifeline Ph: 131 114 SMS: 0477 131 114 |
Crisis support – providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress, crisis support and suicide prevention |
24/7 |
Mensline Ph: 1300 789 978 |
Free telephone and online counselling service offering support services |
24/7 |
Jewish House- Crisis Line Ph: 1300 544 357 |
Crisis Line – urgent assistance with personal or family crisis, accommodation, and other support. |
24/7 |
Mental Health Line Ph: 1800 011 511 |
Support for people in mental health crisis or on behalf of another person . In an emergency, call 000 |
24/7 |
Migrant Employment Legal Service Ph: 8002 1203 Texting: 0475 360 241 |
We offer free legal advice and representation to migrants and temporary visa holders in New South Wales |
M-F: 9am-5pm |
Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW PH: 1800 246 545 |
Help resolve issues and complaints about energy, gas and water providers. |
M-F: 9am-5pm |
National Debt Helpline Ph: 1800 007 007 |
Assistance with managing debt, debt solutions and financial Counselling. |
M-F: 9am-5pm |
National Sexual Assault, Domestic & Family Violence Counselling Services Ph: 1800 737 732 |
Counselling for people who have experienced or been impacted by sexual assault and/or DFV. |
24/7 |
Disability Gateway Ph: 1800 643 787 |
Helps people with disabilities, their families, and carers with information and services and to find the support they need in Australia. |
M-F: 8am-8pm |
Men’s Referral Service (No to Violence) Ph: 1300 766 491. |
Men’s Referral Service- telephone support service – who are seeking assistance to stop their violent or abusive behaviour. |
24/7 |
QLife (LGBTIQ) Ph: 1800 184 527 |
QLife provides Australia-wide anonymous, LGBTIQ peer support and referral. |
7 days: 3pm-12am |
NSW Sexual Violence Helpline Ph: 1800 424 017 |
Counselling for victims of sexual assault, rape or domestic or family violence |
24/7 |
Sexual Abuse and Redress Support Service – Ph: 1800 211 028 |
Counselling for victims of sexual assault, rape or domestic or family violence |
24/7 |
Sexual Abuse and Redress Support Service – Ph: 1800 211 028 |
Counselling for victims of sexual assault, rape or domestic or family violence |
24/7 |
Sexual, Domestic and Family Violence Helpline – Ph: 1800 943 539 |
Counselling for victims of sexual assault, rape or domestic or family violence |
24/7 |
Rainbow Sexual, Domestic and Family violence helpline- Ph: 1800 497 212 |
Counselling for victims of sexual assault, rape or domestic or family violence |
24/7 |
Salvation Army Financial Assistance Ph: 02 8775 7988 |
Require Financial assistance.
M-F:9am-5pm |
St Vincent de Paul Seeking assistance 13 18 12 |
Assist people in need. |
M-F: 8:30am-4:30pm |
Translating and Interpreting service (TIS) Ph: 131 450 |
Free translating and interpreting service |
24/7 |
SANE Ph: 1800 187 263 |
Mental health support |
M-F: 10am-8pm |
Suicide Call Back Service Ph: 1300 659 467 |
Provides telephone counselling for people at risk of suicide, concerned about someone at risk, people bereaved by suicide and people experiencing mental health issues |
24/7 |
Victims Access Line Ph: 1800 633 063 Aboriginal Contact Line Ph: 1800 019 123 Interpreter support Ph: 131 450 |
Support, assistance and counselling free for victims of crime in NSW to access services. |
M-F:9am-5pm |
Centrelink Multilingual call service 131 202 |
Speak to someone in your language |
M-F:8am-5pm |
Multicultural Health Connect 1800 186 815 |
Health information in your language |
M-F: 11am-7pm |
Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 |
Community to report Crimes and Criminal activity |
24/7 |
Veterans & Family Counselling (Open arms) 1800 011 046 |
Counselling Treatment programs and workshops |
24/7 |
The National Alcohol & other Drug Hotline 1800 250 015 |
Free and Confidential advice about alcohol and other drugs. |
24/7 |
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Office Admin: Ph: 9389 6333 (Call in advance if visiting. Opening hours may vary) Help Line Ph: 9387 7788 AA Australia 1300 222 222 |
Helpline |
24/7 |
Family Drug Support 1300 368 186 |
Free family drug support and services and information. |
24/7 |
Wesley Financial Counselling Services Ph: 1300 827 638 |
Free Independent and Confidential Counselling |
M-F: 8:30am-5pm |
Gambling Help online 1800 858 858 |
Free support for anyone affected by gambling. |
24/7 |