The JNC acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands on which we work, the Gadigal and Bidjigal People of the Eora Nation. We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging and acknowledge that these lands always were and always will be Aboriginal lands. We celebrate First Nations Peoples’ connection to the land and recognise the importance of Indigenous voices and culture. We would like to advise that there may be images or videos on this website of people who have since passed.

Emergency Telephone Support


Type of Assistance


Centrelink 136 240

· Employment services PH: 132 850

· Family Assistance Line PH: 136 150

· Youth Allowance Line: PH: 132 490

· Disabilities, Sickness and Carers Line PH: 132 717

Information about payments and services.

M-F: 8am-5pm

Service NSW Ph: 13 77 88

Access to government services via online, phone, or in-person at its service centres

M-F 7am-7pm

PH: 9am-5pm

CAMHS Ph: (02) 8198 7300

NSW Mental Health Line: 1800 011 511 (24 hours)

Mental health support for children and adolescents (under 18years)

M-F 8:30 to 5pm

Child Protection Helpline

Ph: 132 111

Report a child at risk, harm and neglect


Parentline Ph: 1300 130 052

Free counselling service- information and support services for Children 0-18

Help navigate difficult parenting dilemmas

M-F: 9am-9pm

Sat,Sun: 4pm-9pm

Beyond Blue1300 22 46 36

Providing supports, resources, and services to people

Supporting the mental health of others


Flourish- Maroubra Ph: 9393 9602

General enquiries: 1300 779 270

NDIS enquiries: 1300 356 874

Mental Health Service – daily support

Employment services

Shop 301 116-132 Maroubra Rd

M-F: 9am-5pm

Domestic Violence Line Ph: 1800 737 732

Support and counselling on family and domestic violence, sexual assault.


National Indigenous Critical Response Service (NICRS)

Free call: 1800 805 801

Mob: 0499 333 132

StandBy Mob: 0418 575 680

Provides support to individuals, families, communities impacted by suicide loss


Immigration advice & rights centre

Ph: 8234 0700

DV Priority Line: (02) 8234 0700

Immigration and Domestic Violence advice.

Visas and citizenship

M: 9am-5:30pm

T-F: 9am-5pm

Inner City Legal Centre PH: (02) 9332 1966

SMS-only number: 0476 857 342

Toll Free 1800 244 481

Free legal advice to people on low income who live- Inner city, Sydney, Waverley and Woollahra LGA.

M-F: 10am-12pm & 2pm-4pm

Eheadspace Ph: 1800 650 890

Online telephone support and counselling for 12-25years. Also, can chat online or send an email.

Not an emergency service

7 Days: 9am-1am

Headspace Camperdown

Ph: (02) 9114 4100

Free and confidential service catered to 12-25 years.

Mental Health Service.


Headspace Bondi Junction

Ph: (02) 9366 8800

Free and confidential service catered to 12-25 years.

Mental Health Service.

M-F: 9am-6pm

Kids Helpline Ph: 1800 551 800

Online counselling and various resources for children and young adults aged 5-25


NSW Court PH: 1300 679 272

For Court related questions.

M-F 8:30am-4:30pm

Law Access NSW Ph: 1300 888 529

Free assistance with legal information and referral

M-F: 9am-5pm

Lifeline Ph: 131 114

SMS: 0477 131 114

Crisis support – providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress, crisis support and suicide prevention


Mensline Ph: 1300 789 978

Free telephone and online counselling service offering support services


Jewish House- Crisis Line

Ph: 1300 544 357

Crisis Line – urgent assistance with personal or family crisis, accommodation, and other support.


Mental Health Line

Ph: 1800 011 511

Support for people in mental health crisis or on behalf of another person .

In an emergency, call 000


Migrant Employment Legal Service

Ph: 8002 1203

Texting: 0475 360 241

We offer free legal advice and representation to migrants and temporary visa holders in New South Wales

M-F: 9am-5pm

Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW

PH: 1800 246 545

Help resolve issues and complaints about energy, gas and water providers.

M-F: 9am-5pm

National Debt Helpline

Ph: 1800 007 007

Assistance with managing debt, debt solutions and financial Counselling.

M-F: 9am-5pm

National Sexual Assault, Domestic & Family Violence Counselling Services

Ph: 1800 737 732

Counselling for people who have experienced or been impacted by sexual assault and/or DFV.


Disability Gateway Ph: 1800 643 787

Helps people with disabilities, their families, and carers with information and services and to find the support they need in Australia.

M-F: 8am-8pm

Men’s Referral Service (No to Violence)

Ph: 1300 766 491.

Men’s Referral Service- telephone support service – who are seeking assistance to stop their violent or abusive behaviour.



Ph: 1800 184 527

QLife provides Australia-wide anonymous, LGBTIQ peer support and referral.

7 days: 3pm-12am

NSW Sexual Violence Helpline

Ph: 1800 424 017

Counselling for victims of sexual assault, rape or domestic or family violence


Sexual Abuse and Redress Support Service – Ph: 1800 211 028

Counselling for victims of sexual assault, rape or domestic or family violence


Sexual Abuse and Redress Support Service – Ph: 1800 211 028

Counselling for victims of sexual assault, rape or domestic or family violence


Sexual, Domestic and Family Violence Helpline – Ph: 1800 943 539

Counselling for victims of sexual assault, rape or domestic or family violence


Rainbow Sexual, Domestic and Family violence helpline- Ph: 1800 497 212

Counselling for victims of sexual assault, rape or domestic or family violence


Salvation Army Financial Assistance

Ph: 02 8775 7988

Require Financial assistance.



St Vincent de Paul

Seeking assistance 13 18 12

Assist people in need.

M-F: 8:30am-4:30pm

Translating and Interpreting service (TIS)

Ph: 131 450

Free translating and interpreting service



Ph: 1800 187 263

Mental health support

M-F: 10am-8pm

Suicide Call Back Service

Ph: 1300 659 467

Provides telephone counselling for people at risk of suicide, concerned about someone at risk, people bereaved by suicide and people experiencing mental health issues


Victims Access Line Ph: 1800 633 063

Aboriginal Contact Line Ph: 1800 019 123

Interpreter support Ph: 131 450

Support, assistance and counselling free for victims of crime in NSW to access services.


Centrelink Multilingual call service

131 202

Speak to someone in your language


Multicultural Health Connect

1800 186 815

Health information in your language

M-F: 11am-7pm

Crime Stoppers

1800 333 000

Community to report Crimes and Criminal activity


Veterans & Family Counselling (Open arms)

1800 011 046


Treatment programs and workshops


The National Alcohol & other Drug Hotline

1800 250 015

Free and Confidential advice about alcohol and other drugs.


Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Office Admin: Ph: 9389 6333 (Call in advance if visiting. Opening hours may vary)

Help Line Ph: 9387 7788

AA Australia 1300 222 222



Family Drug Support

1300 368 186

Free family drug support and services and information.


Wesley Financial Counselling Services

Ph: 1300 827 638

Free Independent and Confidential Counselling

M-F: 8:30am-5pm

Gambling Help online

1800 858 858

Free support for anyone affected by gambling.
