The JNC acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands on which we work, the Gadigal and Bidjigal People of the Eora Nation. We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging and acknowledge that these lands always were and always will be Aboriginal lands. We celebrate First Nations Peoples’ connection to the land and recognise the importance of Indigenous voices and culture. We would like to advise that there may be images or videos on this website of people who have since passed.

Services for Families & Children

We know that no one family is the same. We provide a variety of free services and parenting workshops / programs for local families in the Eastern Suburbs to support your family in diverse ways. If you have any questions about eligibility please enquire through the digital form below or give us a ring on 9349 8200. 


Parenting Programs

Just as for Parenting Workshops, we also offer a range of programs to support and inform parents, with a focus on developing useful parenting skills.  Check in here regularly to see upcoming parenting programs.

TUNING INTO KIDS (3-12 years)

Tuning Into Kids is an evidence-based parenting program that focuses on improving the emotional connection between parents/carers and their children from preschoolers to teens with a focus on understanding the relationship between children’s emotional development and behaviour.


This weekly support group provides single parents and carers with a safe and inclusive space to learn about topics such as self-care, kids’ developmental milestones, family law, co-parenting and the like.

Tuesdays May 20- June 24 (10:30am-12:30pm)


This parenting program is a 7-week course for fathers and male carers that can provide you with helpful ways to improve the emotional connection between parent and child. This course will help you increase awareness of your child’s emotions, problem solve, and work through assisting your child to verbally label and manage their emotions.  

Thursdays May 15 – June 26 (Evenings)


This three week workshop and information session can provide you with the various mindfulness strategies that you may need to contribute to positive childhood development.

Playfulness, Acceptance,

Curiosity, Empathy (PACE)

Join our PACE (Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity, Empathy) Parenting Program to better understand all the tricky emotions that your child might be experiencing. This program equips you with emotion coaching techniques, allowing you to understand and respond to your child’s feelings in a supportive & productive way.

Bringing Up Great Kids

Bringing Up Great Kids focuses on building positive and nurturing relationships between parents and their children. The program aims to support parents to review and enhance their patterns of communication with their children, to promote more respectful interactions and encourage the development of children’s positive self-identity.

Tuesdays February 25- April 1 (10:30am-12:30pm)

Individual Support


If you’re in need of some personalised or specialised support services, JNC has a team of highly skilled and experienced family case workers who can support families with Children under 12 in the Randwick Council Area who are experiencing issues to do with housing, domestic violence, family court, parenting issues and many more. 


We understand that it’s been difficult to get a moment to join in community activities during the pandemic. Because of this, JNC got to work creating online webcasts for parents and caregivers who may need to get online for tips on child development, parenting or want to involve their kids with some activities (like planting a seed!).


Sometimes it can be difficult to understand exactly what kind of services are available or might be best suited for you; our information and referral service allows you to chat to one of our friendly staff who can guide you in the right direction and assist you by making a referral. 

Parenting Workshops

Over the year we offer a range of workshops for parents with children from birth to 12 years, some face to face and some online. Upcoming workshops in coming months are set out here but check back regularly as we offer many workshops over the year. To access our parenting calendar please click here.

Starting Big School

Starting school can be an overwhelming and confusing experience that may lead to anxious thoughts and feelings. Our Small Steps workshop can help you identify and address anxiety in your child and provides tools to support and prevent these worries from escalating into school avoidance or school refusal.

School Readiness

This workshop is hosted by a Speech Pathologist from Sydney Children’s Hospital and covers the speech and language milestones of preschool aged children (4-5). This is a comfortable space for parents and carers to discover what skills are needed for a childs first year of school and what strategies can encourage these skills

Transition to Highschool

Entering highschool is often a time of excitement and nerves, and the emotions that come with it can be overwhelming. Our Small Steps workshop provides parents and carers with tools and strategies to support children who are transitioning to Higschool to make the process as smooth as possible. 


0-3 years

Join JNC with a speech pathologist from Sydney Children’s Hospital to get a better understanding of the typical development of speech, language play & social communication for children aged 0-3 learning one or more languages. This workshop will provide you with the tools you need if you have concerns about your child’s communication and promotes communication skills through play & conversation based strategies.

Wednesday May 14 (10:30am-12:00pm)

Managing Big School Anxiety

Managing the emotions that come with entering the world of primary school can be tricky for both parent and child alike. This workshop will help you support your child in their transition to primary school.


Anxiety Disorders in Children 0-12 years

JNC and WayAhead have joined together to provide you with a workshop that covers the difference between ‘normal anxiety’ and anxiety disorders, types of anxiety disorders and signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders.

Services for Children


This Is Me is an 8 week course that is run in local schools to build self-esteem, empower children to make healthy life choices and develop positive motivation in reaching their full potential.


Each Tuesday our JNC staff and volunteers head over to a local primary school for weekly after school group where primary school aged children are provided a comfortable place to work, read and ask for support.

Services for Family and Children Enquiry

Community Connections

Domestic & Family Violence Services

Aged Services

Services for First Nations People and Communities