Come Meet Your Neighbourhood
Come meet your neighbourhood! Step out onto new paths with others of similar interests. Discover a range of activities you can participate in. Meet others. Make new friends. Find out what’s on for local people over 65 living in their homes and/or with a disability wanting to connect. Whether you’re a retired senior, young parent, grand parent or young person, this event is for you.
We welcome you to Come Meet Your Neighbourhood! You can find out what’s on offer at The JNC in Bondi Junction while enjoying a yummy BBQ lunch, fun activities and light entertainment. The event is free to attend. There will be information show bags, displays, photo booth, jewelry making and other craft activities.

Come Meet Your Neighbourhood
10am – 2pm
Wednesday 18th May
The JNC – Bondi Junction
59 Newland Street, Bondi Junction (next to Clementson Park)
WAYS Youth Services are providing entertainment for the event. Expect to hear the acoustic melodies from young local talents including Fernando Dale (High Street Fluke), Alister Marshal and Michael Maglis. Youth workers will also be available for a chat if you or parents/carers/friends of teenagers/youths want to find about WAYS awesome services and activities.
General Manager of The JNC, Janet Green, extends the welcome and adds ‘this is a great opportunity for locals to find things in the community that they’re interested in and meet other people”.

So come along, have some lunch and get involved in the activities on the day. While you’re there you can chat to our friendly staff team about our:
- Information and referral services we offer everyone in the community
- Creative actitivies for adults
- English Conversation classes for adults
- Volunteering opportunities
- Computer tutoring for seniors
- Day Away Group, Social Shopping Group, Discussion Group, Russian Group and Gentle Exercise group – all for people over 65 or with disability living in the Waverley local government area
If you want to find out more information about Come Meet Your Neighbourhood or our services please contact us on: 9349 8200.